Monday, June 17, 2013

The End of an Era

For those of you who have followed our blog over the last few years, you may have wondered where we have been recently. Did ALC eat us alive? Did we all decide that we needed an extended vacation? Obviously not. But we have collectively been finding the blog a bit hard to write lately and, glancing around the blogosphere, we are not the only ones. In late May, thewikiman published a post entitled “Is it the end of an era of librarian blogging?” His piece encompasses a lot of what we have been feeling lately, which has resulted in our decision to end the blog.

Before we go though, we would like to say that it has been wonderful thinking, composing, and writing about the things that we have felt may be affecting you and your work in libraries. In the spirit of the ever changing online world, we have created a Pinterest page upon which we will continue to share program ideas, resources, and exciting new library initiatives: We hope that you will follow our boards on Pinterest and join us in our continuing efforts to support and champion libraries in southwestern Alberta and beyond!